
Free Range Chicken


Approx Weight: 1.8kg – 2.5kg

Product Description

Our fresh, Free Range Corn Fed Chickens are supplied to us by H&T Foods (Halal & Tayyib), and they are of the finest quality. They are also certified Halal by the Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC). These are healthy, happy birds, lovingly reared with free access to vast, outdoor, unfertilized grass ranges, where they scratch around all day, and are fed on a non-GM feed. The finest Free Range Chicken you’re ever likely to come across, and reared in such a way that gives true meaning to the concepts of Halal & Tayyib, the two requirements for any food to be truly Halal. Our Free Range Chickens are of UK produce, and have that distinctive yellow skin colour that is present in all Corn Fed Chickens, and of course, because they’re able to roam freely, they are packed full of flavour!


Approximate weight of each bird: 1.8kg – 2.5kg


Ingredients: 100% Free Range, Corn Fed HMC Certified Chickens


Allergens: None


Cross-Contamination: Product has been prepared in an area where there is a risk of cross-contamination with other allergens